Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring is here!!!!

Since we had a free day today, so did the kids! They were able to play, color and blow bubbles to their hearts content. There was no book today because I didn't want our Mom's to miss out on their fun!

I do have some recommendations for bubble themed books though that I'd like to share with you:

Pop! A Book About Bubbles-- this answers any questions little ones may have about how bubbles work.

Bubbles, Bubbles-- this is more of a bathtime book. The darling little girl in it creates things out of the bubbles in her tub like a bubble wig.

Bubble Riding-- this was going to be our story of the day. It has amazing pictures and is designed to lower stress and increase creativity in kids. It is almost a meditation for the kids-- very fun!

As the weather gets nicer, don't forget to spend some time blowing bubbles with the kids. We are sending the kids home with bags full of bubble blowing fun for the whole family. Enjoy!!!

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