Monday, September 14, 2009

More Mentor Mom Tips...

In the newsletter you will find two Back-to-School tips from our Mentor Moms, but they had lots more to share with us. Please enjoy a few more bits of their wisdom:

Diane Schmidt from the South America table:

My favorite back to school tradition and tip has to be breakfast time. Even if I feel rushed I try to be calm on the outside. One boy just wants to eat and read the sports and doesn't talk. I try to give him the hug of welcome. I don't expect a reaction. My other son is a talker- everything about the day or sometimes important stuff. He doesn't eat as much but drinks tons- 2 tall glasses of water, 1 tall of milk and orange juice. When I run out of OJ it seems to throw him a little. He doesn't talk as much at the end of the day, focuses on homework more than events. Get to know those kids of yours and it is easier for you to adapt to them. It actually is more fun to throw a curve, especially April 1st.

Suzanne Bowman from the Australia table:
(This piece of advice is actually passed down from Suzanne's Mom!)

Write the teacher(s) - handwritten for early years, email for older grades - simply offering the teacher your support as well as sharing a teeny bit about your child's interests, learning style, idiosyncrasies or habits or anything that you think the teacher may want to know that will help your child excel in school.
Make it a light, friendly note and include your phone number and email if they ever need to get in touch with you.

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